
Nick Christo's Homepage


Quick Things

PhD Candidate at the University of Illinois Chicago
Email: (swap the "5" and the "N")
Office: SEO 724


Current Teaching

Fall 2024: TAC (Teaching Assistant Coordinator for Math 589: Teaching of Mathematics). This is a required course for teaching assistants in the MSCS department to aid in developing teaching skills and methods.

Current Office Hours: By appt :)

Past Teaching


My research interests are encompassed by the areas of Probability, Combinatorics, Statistical Physics, and Theoretical Computer Science. Below are any papers I've worked on.

2. Realizability of hypergraphs and high-dimensional contingency tables with random degrees and marginals
with Marcus Michelen

1. The set of ratios of derangements to permutations in digraphs is dense in [0,1/2].
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (2022)
with Bethany Austhof and Patrick Bennett

Invited Talks

Who am I? (About Me)

(Possibly a hotdog.) A fifth year PhD candidate at UIC whose research interests include a choice from (Probability, Combinatorics, Statistical Physics).
I completeted my master's degree -along the way of my PhD- in mathematical computer science at UIC in 2022 and my bachelor's degree in mathematics with a minor in philosophy at Western Michigan University in 2019.
I am currently being co-advised by Marcus Michelen (UIC) and Will Perkins (Georgia Tech).

Things I do and service

Pictures of Me (and cats)

Pictured here: 1&2: Me and The Bean, 3-5: Jules, Casimir, 6: Me with Bernie Sanders for an event I organized at UIC in Spring 2023.

