
Nick Christo's Homepage


Quick Things

PhD Candidate at the University of Illinois Chicago
Email: (swap the "5" and the "N")
Office: SEO 724


Current Teaching

Fall 2024: TAC (Teaching Assistant Coordinator for Math 589: Teaching of Mathematics). This is a required course for graduate students in the MSCS department to teach with the goal of improving their teaching.

Current Office Hours: By appt :)

Past Teaching


My research interests are encompassed by the area of Probability, Combinatorics, Statistical Physics, and MCS. Below are any papers I've worked on.

2. Realizability of hypergraphs and high-dimensional contingency tables with random degrees and marginals
with Marcus Michelen

1. The set of ratios of derangements to permutations in digraphs is dense in [0,1/2].
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (2022)
with Bethany Austhof and Patrick Bennett

Invited Talks

Who am I? (About Me)

(Possibly a hotdog.) A fifth year PhD candidate at UIC whose research interest include a choice from (Probability, Combinatorics, Statistical Physics).
I completeted my master's degree -along the way of my PhD- in mathematical computer science at UIC in 2022 and my bachelor's degree in mathematics with a minor in philosophy at Western Michigan University in 2019.
I am currently being co-advised by Marcus Michelen (UIC) and Will Perkins (Georgia Tech).

Things I do and service

Pictures of Me

Pictured here: 1&2: Me and The Bean, 3-5: Jules, Casimir, 6: Me with Bernie Sanders for an event I organized at UIC in Spring 2023.

